Saturday, October 4, 2008

Rembrant a.k.a. Remi

A couple of months ago I told you about my sweet little fish Sammy, and decided that after he died I was not meant to have a pet fish. Somehow though, I managed to ignore these promptings from on high and got Remi. Remi has been my fish for a couple of months, but I'm just now putting this on my blog because I didn't want my blog to become one big sob story about dead fish. Thank goodness, Remi is in good health, and I expect him to live for a good while still. Because he has been such a well behaved and good mannered fish, I figured it was time to introduce Rembrant as the newest member of our family. Right now, he is smiling at me and wiggling his tail fin in delight.

Originally, Bruce did not want a fish. They require too much maintenance and give nothing in return, was his reasoning. I am therefore happy to tell you that he checks every morning that Remi has been fed, and askes if the aquarium was cleaned recently. I often have to stop Bruce from overfeeding our sweet fishy, because he is convinced that Remi is always hungry. In fact, he worries more about the fish than I do. However, Remi really likes Bruce - yes, I just said that the fish has feelings for his daddy. I am not kidding when I say that he swims to the front of his bowl and dances when we talk to him, especially Bruce. I've decided that I have the smartest fish in the world. He even chases his food around the bowl when it gets caught in the pump current. It's really very cute, and I really do love my fishy.

Don't worry, I realize that if I get this excited about my fish, I'd better be prepared for some extreme bragging when Bruce and I have children. I'm going to need a whole other blog.

1 comment:

Heidi and Josch said...

wow leigh. you are brave. i have always wanted red hair. mine right now has hints of red, but i dont think i would ever dare do what you did. its cute though, and i like it more than the blonde!