Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Blah, Blah, Blah

I really don't have much to say lately, so I haven't said anything. There's not much going on. I get up (which I don't think you want to hear about,) go to work (which I can't tell you about it,) come home (oh the excitement,) decide what to do for dinner (pretend we have enough money to go out or stay home and eat crap from a box - I just don't know what to choose!,) and go to bed (which is about as eventful as getting up.) Based on how intriguing this all must sound to you, I will make this post short and sweet: I still live in a basement, I still have a job, and I am still breathing. Let me know if any of this requires further clarification and I will try to pencil you in to my ever-evolving schedule.


Heidi and Josch said...

lol. yes, please pencil me in!

Anonymous said...

Pencil me in, too! I hope you're feeling a bit better.