Saturday, October 11, 2008

Massacre in the Bathroom on Larkspur Dr.

You have all become well acquainted with my look as the used Q-tip and the beams of light that glint from my golden locks. However, the time I spent as a florescent-haired beauty is passed, and I have now moved on to a new "holiday inspired" style. My hair is now a stunning shade of crimson, perfect for Halloween and Christmas alike. Once again, the students at Windridge Elementary want to know what happened, but I think they are getting used to the idea that my hair will probably change a couple of times each year.

It is very possible that I am going through a midlife crises (my mother says I am being overly optimistic when at age 25 I call it a quarter-life crises) but I just think I get bored easily. To make a long story short, I've always wanted to do something a little crazy. Tattoo's are out, and Bruce promises to divorce me if I shave my head, so wild hair color is simply the most affordable outlet for my pent up insanity.

The most shocking part of this change was the actual coloring process itself. When you dye your hair red, it literally looks like someone has committed murder in your bathroom. I was greatly worried that Bruce would walk in while I was waiting for the color to set and give himself a heart attack. I looked rather gruesome with my "bloody" gloves and red streaks occasionally running down my forehead. Not to mention the crimson stains in the shower, which do wash out, by the way. Though I did spare him this initial trauma, my dearest husband doesn't care much for the look. However, I love it, not to mention that I can wear whatever I want and still be festive this holiday season.

If you would like to see my new look, I have included a few pictures for your enjoyment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your red hair. Men don't get women's innate need to change their hair every three months. Josh says the same thing about me shaving my head. Boys...argh.