Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Click to play The Cooley's in Mazatlan
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Anonymous said...

Cute slideshow! I'm glad you had fun!

Heidi and Josch said...

cool. looks awesome. blake loved the video and especially the music!

Heidi and Josch said...

This is a copy and paste from what I wrote on Melissa's blog. I was supposed to write a memory that I had of her, thought you might enjoy this too:

Okay, this will be too much fun. I am going to write the same thing on your blog as I do on Tara's since you two were always together!

1. The boys downstairs pounding on their ceiling when we were too loud.
2. Western Wednesday's
3. Fat Jacks and the Malt Shop
4. Celiene Dion's Christmas CD played about 500 times.
5. SBE day, once a month...reminder message written on the white board.
6. "I could pick up your Japanese butt with one finger and throw you out the window if I wanted to."
7. Our apartment being the only one's who never got asked to speak in Sacrament Meeting (too evil).
8. Puh-lissa.
9. Listening to the Cranberries CD on the drive home from Layton.
10. You two being jealous of me cuz I didnt wait til the last minute to write my Autobiography!
11. Tara babysitting Chloe.
12. IWA-I'm still not sure if it was a cult or not. Dang I got made fun of by you guys.
13. Fruity Poo.
I wish that I had the poem you guys wrote to Nellie when she moved out, cuz that would have summed everything up. Did you guys keep a copy of it? Wow, good times!